Virtual assistants are an invaluable tool for managing your business.

Today I’m here to talk to you about three quick tips on how I use virtual assistants to do 80%, sometimes even 99%, of my work.

One way is email management. We have an incredible labeling system in my email, so I can go there any time and know what all the topics are, what has been responded to, and what I need to do. It’s a very easy inbox to manage because a virtual assistant is managing it.

The second way that we use virtual assistants in our business is listing management. I don’t know about you, but in our market, putting a listing on the MLS, arranging the photos, and adding the documents can take a long time. Then comes open houses and social media marketing. Well, we use virtual assistants for all of that. It’s incredible.

“I use virtual assistants to do 80%, sometimes even 99%, of my work.”

The third way we use virtual assistants in our business is by helping us with automating a lot of our communication. We just did a massive giveaway where we sent out 3,000 invites. We had over 800 people enter it, we got 56 referrals, and our incredible virtual assistant team managed the whole process.

Those are just three ways that we use our team of virtual assistants. If you are interested in learning more, I’m teaching multiple classes about hiring and training virtual assistants. You can find it on the tab on our website under events. You can sign up and come check it out. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to help you, so call or email me anytime.