Use these three tips to key into your client’s thoughts and feelings.

Real estate is a people-driven industry. An agent’s relationship with their clients is paramount to success—both for the agent and the client. Today I’ll share three simple ways to build stronger rapport with your clients:

1. Listen more than you speak. No one knows what buyers and sellers want more than they do. They don’t want a sales pitch—they want to know that you care about them. The best way to show you care is by listening to them.

“The more you know about your clients, the more you can help them.”

2. Ask open-ended questions. Use phrases like, “Tell me more about that,” “What about that is important to you,” and “How would doing that help you reach your goals?” These are great follow-ups that can help you learn more about your clients’ thoughts and motivations. The more you know about them, the more you can help them.

3. Help your clients label their feelings and needs. Whenever a client has an objection or tells you no, use the labeling technique. Try to figure out what emotion they’re feeling and put a word to it. For example, if they seem discouraged, say something to the effect of, “It sounds like this process might be discouraging to you,” and wait for their response. By labeling their feelings, you’re giving them an opportunity to express and process their emotions. It also makes them feel heard.

I hope these tips help you build a better relationship with your clients. If you have any questions about this or other real estate topics, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I hope to hear from you soon!