Stepping out of comfort: Lessons learned from an amazing book.

Our team recently embarked on an enlightening journey through our weekly book club. This week, we delved into “The Comfort Crisis: Embracing Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self” by Michael Easter. The book, an intriguing blend of adventure narrative and scientific exploration, has offered each of us unique insights and profound takeaways. I want to share three major lessons that resonated with me:

1. Redefining ‘average’. The book reveals that the average American interacts with their phone over 2,600 times a day and spends around 2.5 hours on screens. Shockingly, I found myself above this average. This startling fact made me realize the extent of my dependence on digital devices, prompting me to reevaluate and reduce my screen time.

2. Embracing physical challenges in nature. One of the book’s core messages is the importance of physical activity in natural settings. Our modern lives are cocooned in comfort, which paradoxically leads to dissatisfaction. Engaging in physically challenging activities outdoors, like hiking or surfing, is not just about fitness; it’s a path to genuine happiness. This perspective has motivated me to embrace nature and its challenges more actively.

“The Comfort Crisis is more than just a book; it’s a call to action.”

3. Valuing solitude. The book stresses the significance of spending time alone, ideally in nature, to discover our true selves. It argues that solitude enriches our interactions with others, as we bring more of our authentic selves to our relationships. This has encouraged me to seek moments of solitude to connect more deeply with who I am beyond my social persona.

“The Comfort Crisis” is more than just a book; it’s a call to action to step out of our comfort zones and rediscover our innate strengths and capacities. If you’ve read a book that’s had a similar impact on you, or if you have any thoughts on “The Comfort Crisis,” I’d love to hear from you. Just call or email me, and let’s continue learning and growing together!