Unlock the wisdom of a seasoned real estate agent.

Have you ever wondered what seasoned real estate agents would advise their younger selves? In this candid conversation, I introduce Katie Oddy, a member of our team with two years of experience and 50 real estate transactions under her belt. Katie shares valuable insights and wisdom that could benefit any new agent looking to navigate the world of real estate.

Starting with the understanding that rejection is part of the game, Katie discusses the importance of separating emotion from rejection and staying committed to the process. She also highlights the value of collaboration and building positive relationships with other agents, emphasizing that everyone is working towards the same goal: successful transactions.

Katie’s second piece of advice is about the importance of separating emotion from rejection and staying committed to the process. Rejection is bound to happen in real estate, and sometimes it might even come from friends and family. However, Katie emphasizes that rejection is a part of learning and growing in this industry. As a new agent, it’s important not to take it personally and to stay committed to the process.

“As a new agent, it’s important not to take it personally and to stay committed to the process.”

Katie’s third piece of advice focuses on collaboration. She shares that one common misconception she had as a new agent was that negotiations with other agents would be combative. However, she quickly realized that everyone in the real estate industry is working towards the same goal: closing deals. Therefore, being cordial, complimentary, and working with other cooperating agents (COBRAs) can lead to a much more pleasant and productive experience for everyone involved.

Lastly, Katie highlights the benefits of joining a real estate team. She explains that while some may advise new agents to go out on their own, she chose to join a team right from the beginning. The result? She had the support, education, training, and structure that she needed to succeed in her real estate career. Katie emphasizes that being part of a team allowed her to reap the benefits and achieve success much faster than if she had ventured out on her own. Additionally, she has formed lifelong friendships with her team members, creating a supportive and collaborative work environment.

Whether you’re new to the industry or a seasoned pro, this conversation offers valuable lessons and a glimpse into the journey of a successful agent. If you have any other questions for Katie or would like more insights into the world of real estate, please reach out to us by phone or email. The team is here to assist new and experienced agents in continuing their real estate journeys with confidence.