This one strategy will persuade top talents to join your organization.

How do you attract top talent? Attracting talent is a critical component of building an organization. If you want to attract the best players in the field, the best way to start is to be the talent yourself. You should have the commitment and the discipline to do the lead generation and the lead follow-up tasks that you’d expect anyone to do.

Doing that at a high level means someone else can then do that with you, and they can learn the things that you’ve done to create the conversions that you get. The talent you attract will be willing to do what it takes to understand the energy they need to put in to get the results that they want.

“You should have the commitment and the discipline to do the lead generation and the lead follow-up tasks.”

There’s a saying that I’ve lived by as we’ve developed our organizations, and that is: I do, we do, they do. However, what I’ve come to find out is that it’s not quite as clean as that. Because you’re doing it together with them, when they go and do it themselves, they typically fail just as we do.

What ends up happening is: I do, we do. We do some more, they do; we do even more and they go and run off with it. Once you take that to heart and really support people, especially talent, you can achieve success within your organization.

If this is a conversation that you desire to have or if you have any questions about this topic, call or email me. We’re always here to help!