Michelle McNeil shares three valuable tips for new real estate agents.

Today, I’m excited to introduce you to Michelle McNeil, who joined our team amid one of the most challenging real estate markets in recent memory. She’ll be sharing what she’s learned after diving headfirst into the world of real estate.

As a new agent, Michelle has realized there’s no such thing as an emergency in real estate. She came from a background where everything was super urgent, but there’s always time for calm and meaningful conversations in real estate. It’s a lesson even experienced agents can benefit from, as they often create unnecessary stress with their sense of urgency.

“Joining a team whose values align with yours keeps you on track and motivated.”

Another crucial lesson is time management. Real estate agents have a ton of demands on their time – script practice, lead generation, follow-ups, showings, inspections, closings, meetings, and ongoing education. If you don’t organize your day, you can easily get pulled in many directions. It’s vital to be fully present in each task.

Lastly, finding the right team is paramount. Joining a team whose values align with yours keeps you on track and motivated. It ensures you’re heading in the right direction, not just in your real estate career but also in other aspects of your life, like health and work-life balance.

Michelle has shared some invaluable insights today, especially for those starting out in the industry. If you have any questions for her about choosing the right team or maintaining balance as a new agent, feel free to call or email. We’d love to assist you in any way.