Here’s an exercise you can use to build a more authentic business.

Building an authentic business is all about creating something you’re passionate about and value. I built my business around the community, the planet, and doing good things for people. My business has blossomed, and yours can too.

The first question you have to ask yourself is, “What do I value?” What activates your curiosity? What is your favorite thing to do? Chris, a member of our team, is obsessed with the Cleveland Browns, so he created the Browns Backer Club of New Hampshire, and he meets Browns fans from all over now. He has a big database of backers, and he’s starting to get a ton of business around this shared interest.

Whatever you’re interested in, write it down now. Let the ideas flow.

Once you have a list of 10 to 15 things, rank your top three. Those are the three things you value most. Once you’ve done that, brainstorm five to seven different ways you can add these things into your life. Will you join a committee? A gym? Start a group like Chris did?

“My business has blossomed, and yours can too.”

After you have that list of five to seven items, choose one to implement in the next 30 days. I’d love for you to tell me what that one thing is via email or in the comments below. Bring that thing you love and value into your life, and authentic relationships will build along with your business.

If you have any questions for me, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.